Sound of Sunday Extra Time 3 October 2021
Award Nominated Show Now Available to Download
It Started With Swap Shop was a Sound of Sunday special we produced in 2016 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the start of Saturday morning TV with Multi Coloured Swap Shop on 2 October 1976.
The programme has since been heard on HRB and several other radio stations and has received some very nice comments.
To mark the 45th anniversary, we are making the show available to download as part of this week’s Sound of Sunday Extra.
So to enjoy lots of Saturday morning TV memories, go to The Sound of Sunday Extra for 26 September 2021 and listen again right now.
The Sound of Sunday Extra Time Show 13 26 September 2021
The Sound of Sunday Extra Time Show 12 19 September 2021
The Sound of Sunday Extra Time Show 11 12 September 2021
Series 31 to Start on Sunday 12 September 2021
Series 31 of The Sound of Sunday will start on HRB on Sunday 12 September at 1.30pm.
As ever the show will be packed full of fun and features for a Sunday afternoon as well as, most importantly of course, Music on Demand requests for listeners around the wards.
As ward visiting is still not possible at the moment, the show will continue to be presented from our own studio as it has been for the last 18 months.
Our competitions will continue to offer listeners the chance to win a Sound of Sunday pen. There will be the return of the Tell Me When Brain Teaser and the return of Bits of Hits.
Talking of winning, HRB is now part of the Basingstoke Community Lottery, and each Sunday on the show, we’ll promote the winning numbers that were drawn the previous evening. Someone could win up to £25,000.
The regular features of Soap Update, 60 Second Sport and Show Biz and Entertainment will return as will The Quiet Quarter of an Hour each week at 3.
Memory Makers will remember various anniversaries and TV related moments throughout the series starting with some of the music created by those who have starred in Neighbours over the years – as the show marks 35 years on TV in the UK.
The award winning weekly soap Huntsford returns and there will be the latest from the world of podcasts as Sophie Malcolm returns for a second series of Podwatch.
Paul Pennington will have the latest health issues and news in The Word on Health and we’ll reflect on the big local news stories of the week.
Once a month we’ll have requests for St Thomas Care Home in Basingstoke in Residents Requests and The Community Hour will make a return for two shows just before Christmas.
And talking of Christmas, we’ll have our usual big Christmas extravaganza to launch HRB’s Christmas schedules, and with the return of pantos, we’ll hopefully be catching up with some of the cast of our local Christmas shows.
And not only are we on the radio each week, but The Sound of Sunday Extra Time is back online as Superman 1940s Style continues. Download an episode each Sunday from 5pm and watch out for other content as part of our online offering too.
And talking of online, you’ll notice a few changes to our website too. The new look Sound of Sunday website is coming soon.
So join us for our new series, live on HRB every Sunday from 1.30 and online from 5pm starting on Sunday 12 September.
Alton Lions Party in the Park 2021
The final Sound of Sunday Summer Show of the series will come from the Alton Lions Party in the Park in the first new outside broadcast on HRB for two years.
The popular annual event was held in Alton on 14 August with live music and entertainment and local charities and organisations raising money for Treloars and other local charities.
There was even a Red Arrows fly past!
Hear all about it on Sunday 29 August at 4pm.
SOS Extra Time Show 10
Summer Show Returns for 2021
The Sound of Sunday Summer Show is returning for 2021 for a 3 week series in August.
The show will celebrate the summer in Basingstoke and promote what is back up and running during the coming weeks, as well as remember summers from the past with some highlights of previous events covered by the show and by HRB.
The series starts on Sunday 15 August on HRB.
Extra Time Show 9
Superman 1940s Style The Mystery of the Dragon’s Teeth Part 9